Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chaos Snipers

So as may have been mentioned before, I'm pretty sure I have ADD. As I've been slowing working on painting my first squad of Grey Knight Terminators as time allows my mind started wandering and thinking about my (mostly unpainted) Chaos Space Marines. Thinking about how they need a cohesive theme and for me to settle on a paint scheme, I thought back to my favorites from the 2nd/3rd Edition Days - Iron Warriors. With my mind wandering a little further I thought about also constructing and converting some of the loyalist Space Marines I just have laying around (back when Grey Knights could use Inducted Marines that was going to be my plan when I finally built them) that I wanted to give use to and then the answer jumped out to me: Counts As!

The rage of the internet 40k community is currently "counts as" armies. Take one army, in my case Chaos Space Marines, and then still within reason and WYSIWYG having them count as another army. Essentially allowing you to play as two different armies. The Iron Warriors are the Traitor Legion known best for breaking sieges and using technology over mutations, as well as capturing vehicles. So my idea is to start painting up my Chaos as Iron Warriors with an eye towards having a Counts As Space Marines army, which I can use some of their cool toys such as the Ironclad Dreadnought I have and maybe picking up some Land Speeders.

Which leads me to today's post, I have a small unit of 5 Space Marine Snipers constructed. I'd definitely want to use them, but there's no real precedent in the fluff for Chaos Space Marine Scouts. So how to make them more Iron Warriors?

Cybernetics, of course!

So I took my scout bearing the squad's missile launcher and lopped off his bracing leg and pulled out a box of some Necron Warriors that have been laying around. Bam! Cyberleg.


My plan is to try to find a way to work some of the Necron limbs into each guy, they won't be the prettiest conversions as in many cases the stuff I was cutting off was already glued on and didn't pop off cleanly. Then to paint them up in Iron Warriors colors and maybe some kind of shifty Tzeentch themed cloak colors to represent magical camo cloaks instead of the technological ones loyalists use.

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