So, I have two full squads of twelve each of Khorne Berzerkers. And boy do I enjoy using them, I always question taking them every time I play - due to points cost and whatnot. And then I play ... and they completely eat the face of at least one unit (sometimes more) and I remember why I take them. But these poor 'Zerkers have been just based black as long as I've owned them.
When life gives you a day off ... BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! |
For reasons unknown after I got home late last night, I was struck by the urge to finish painting one. I had previously done all of his armor pieces in Mechrite Red Foundation paint. I went over that with Blood Red and I'm pretty happy with the final coloration. Not too bright as I'm not a huge fan of some of the Blood Red over White base schemes I've seen over the years - too stark and bright for the
Grimdark future of war in the 41st millennium. But also not too dark that they don't stand out enough on the tabletop.
Plasma for the ... Boiling Blood God! |
I then caught all the accents metallic accents with Scorched Brown followed by Dwarf Bronze and settled on that, nice metallic effect - particularly on his huge skull shoulderpad. For the backpack, plasma gun base and other metals, I drybrushed Chainmail and then used my Secret Weapon Miniatures Armor Wash to dull it down and shade. The plasma coils were done with Hawk Turquoise and then Ice Blue.
Warrning: If you can see these stripes, you are probably dead already. |
Then, hoping to tie the 'Zerkers into my main Iron Warriors themed force I opted to give his blank shoulderpad hazard stripes. Shooting for a similar effect that of some of the paint schemes revolving around the Black Legion where the various Cult troops would paint a shoulderpad or some portion of their armor in Black Legion colors, while retaining their base (in this case World Eater) paint scheme. I don't really remember if it would work in the fluff for Iron Warriors, but I do know that they have a large contingent of Berzerker-style troops that would in assault "would give World Eaters or Blood Angels a run for their money in blood frenzy." So I feel at least partially justified, now I'm just deciding if I like the overall look of it. The hazard stripes were done by painting the entire pad Iyanden Darksun Foundation and then freehanding the black stripes over in Chaos Black.
Backshot ... for completion. |
Now lets see how long it takes me to settle down and paint up an entire squad ...
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