Wednesday, March 30, 2011

After Action (Chaos v. Chaos - 1500)

Played a for funs "kill'em all" style game with one of my friends last night, Chaos Marines heads up. Here's the list I took.

Winged Daemon Prince (Tzeentch, Doombolt, Warptime)
Khorne Berzerkers, 10 (Champion w/Power Weapon, Rhino w/Havoc Launcher)
Chaos Marines, 10 (Flamer, Missile Launcher, Champion w/Power Fist, Rhino)
Bikers, 4 (Nurgle, Meltagun x2, Champion w/Power Fist)
Defiler (Havoc Launcher, Reaper Autocannon)
Vindicator (Daemonic Possession, Havoc Launcher)
Terminators, 3 (Reaper Autocannon, Combi-Melta)
Terminators, 3 (Heavy Flamer & Chain Fist)

So in all mostly a mechanized list against my opponent who was fielding some variation of (from memory):

Winged Daemon Prince (Nurgle)
Thousand Sons (Rhino)
Noise Marines (Rhino)
Obliterators, 2
Terminators, 5 (Khorne, Dual Lightning Claws)
^ Land Raider
Dreadnought (TL Autocannon & Heavy Flamer)

So pretty much everything was inside a box at the start of the game. Not going to go through a blow by blow here, but if I was ever half baked on Daemonic Possession before (20 points on vehicles to ignore Shaken & Stunned damage results, but lowers WS & BS to 3) I am a firm believer now. On appropriate targets of course, but the amount of fire that the Defiler & Vindicator absorbed that they just shrugged off in this game was crazy. My Terminators and Bikers were all pretty much a waste in this game due to poor target selection: the Nurgle Daemon Prince. Now I know the frustration my opponents must have felt in the past when I used such a beast :)

What I take away from this game?
  • I think I'm going to try to think of something to permanently model on the Vindicator to represent the Daemonic Possession I liked it that much. 
  • Havoc Launchers are awesome against non Marine forces, but very so so against Marines if I know who I'm fighting in the future ahead of time they might sit out. 
  • I liked my Tzeentch Prince, but I think I'd swap out Doombolt for Bolt of Change in the future.
  • This was the first time (outside of an Apocalypse game) that I took the Vindicator and I'd probably call it my MVP in this game.
  • Bikers were a non-factor in this game, but mainly due to player error on my part. They'll need another shot or two before I have a real feel for their use and effectiveness
Next game will probably be with my Grey Knights which are due to show up (hopefully) by Saturday. Probably try to take some pictures of the action throwing down as well.

Also got to take Nightfall for a spin in a two player game. First impressions are that I can foresee it being a great multiplayer game, and with some more experience probably quite an interesting two player game even. Like the feel of the rules and card design, I'd like to put aside an evening for it to give it a real workout and see how it comes across.

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