Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Scions of Titan

Warhammer 40k. The bane of my bank account. I've played 40k since back in high school some time with the second edition boxed set. Currently I have sizable amounts of Tyranids and Chaos Space Marines that see table time. A couple years back I wanted to start a loyalist Space Marine army and was looking through the Codices available and thought the Grey Knights, the elite of the elite looked pretty sweet. After realizing that pretty much their entire range was metal (aka expensive) and that if I wanted to play a pure Grey Knight army without allied assistance it wouldn't work out too well on the tabletop the desire passed. Well, with the impending release of the new 5th edition Grey Knight Codex (and my preorder in the queue) I've revisited the chapter of psykers.

I picked up a Stormraven Gunship to work on in before the release, in some hope of some kind of head start. Also, you should know that I have a severe problem with devoting the time to getting my minis painted. I love love love doing various conversions and embellishments on my models, but they always seem to hit the table before I devote the time to paint them. And then I see something else the army needs ... well you can see where that cycle is headed. With Grey Knights I want to make a conscious effort to get the models, assemble AND paint them before expanding the force.

So yes, the Stormraven. This is an interesting project for me as well as I've never actually painted a vehicle before (surprise!). I've assembled a few, inherited a great many Chaos vehicles (some painted, some just primed) when I bought an army off a friend who stopped playing - but never the whole journey. And since I just started the blog, I figure I'll do a couple updates on this experience.

This last weekend I did some assembly and decided that since the hatch which pours the Emperor's Angels of Death out of the gunships innards onto some forsaken planet was hinged, that I'd try to paint up the inside at least a little bit so it wasn't drab plastic gray if someone peeked inside. 

So, as you can see I didn't expend too much effort on the inside details. Mainly a single coat of a mixture of painting and drybrushing Boltgun Metal over the interior. Than punching up a couple of the inner details with some color. I also didn't do myself any favors by constructing it as much as I did. If I did it again, I'd leave one side off so I could better access the interior details. If I'd done that, I'd probably spent some more time on this, but you live you learn.

Anyways, now to close her up!

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