Yes, a blog. I've long toyed with the idea of starting a blog, but never actually followed through with it. What will this blog be about? Pretty much gaming, and other nerdly arts. Here you will find ruminations, rants and the crazed thoughts that go flying through my brain at pretty much any spare moment. They will likely range from game design thoughts and theories, campaign ideas (or discussions of current ones), maybe the occasional product review and probably some Warhammer 40k modeling and painting.
As far as the name goes, yeah when I look at it does sound a little pretentious. But it also has history for me, it was the name of the first website I hard coded (HTML by hand) on a crazed sleep deprived coding bender that either approached or surpassed 24 hours. It was a community site for my friends who had no web design knowledge to post stuff about themselves and a home page for a weekly trivia email contest I used to run, a nascent MySpace I guess now that I look at it. Anyhoo, I got tagged as "The Greater Biznich of Tzeentch" for no good reason by a friend late in high school.
It stuck.
Over time its shortened to mainly The Biznich, and that's what I've used as my internet handle for pretty much all time. In common gatherings I'll get referred to as Biz by friends on occasion and often on my website which has now just focused down to a phpbb forum for discussion among friends and some play by post rpgs.
So here's to hoping you, whoever you may be, take something of interest from reading the blog of a guy who's gaming brain hamster will just never get off its wheel.
Oh also, I'd appreciate any feedback on the site layout its kinda the default right now except for the background which is something I whipped up in Photoshop like a decade a go.
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