Made a lot of progress on the Stormraven today. Whole thing is pretty much constructed, could easily plop it down on a table for some play. All that's left is finishing off the pilot and gunner cockpits. They're all apart separately, but due to the unique little clear plastic windshields they added I've hit a couple snags. First off more painting I have to do before finishing assembly! Since the two dudes will be sealed inside and in complete view
all the time, they gotta be painted. The gunner is just a servitor so that's no biggie, but I keep batting around ideas for the pilot. Since all Grey Knight vehicles are also psykers I kinda wanted to make look the part, by grabbing one of the spare Grey Knight heads off the incoming plastic sprues and putting it on the pilot since their helmets are a little different than a normal marine's. But upon closer inspection, the pilot is actually a Techmarine and I could probably get away with leaving the dude as is but I kinda liked the idea but don't really want to wait until the minis show up to finish closing up the vehicle.
And the other problem caused by those windshields is that each windshield is a solid piece, and then after gluing it onto the cockpit cover you have to glue a pair of little supports to make it look like three separate windows. Now these are tiny supports and they slid all over the damn place trying to get them on and thus got excess glue on the windshields which after it dried gave messy looking white streaks.
Really, they're freak'n tiny! |
I'm thinking of trying to see if my wife's nail polish remover will get it off, but I have no idea where its currently at and she's already asleep. But if that doesn't work I'll probably try to work the paint job with them to just look like weathering or something.
So tomorrow I'm off as well and hope to get a little of the detail stuff done on the pilot & gunner, I was planning on doing more of it tonight. But I'm thinking of some Dawn of War 2: Retribution campaign is calling to me.
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